The Impact of Globalization on the Workplace
Recent occurrences in the job market have seen a rising trend in work outsourcing and the recruitment of workers from diverse countries. This has helped companies both become global and attract world-class talent. Thereby embracing cultural diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Globalization in the workplace refers to the interconnection of workers from various countries to achieve a desired goal. Globalization brings the spread of knowledge, data, products, customers, technology, and jobs. The impact of globalization on the workplace has both benefits and drawbacks.
I highlighted five impacts of globalization in the workplace that every sector is presently facing.
1. Increase in cultural diversity: Globalization helps workers from various parts of the world work for a company and share their experience. So a person from Nigeria can interact with another individual from China or Japan. This helps them see the true identity of each other’s nationality and share their cultural diversity.
2. Changes in workers earnings: Globalization helps workers from low-income nations earn more. Freelancing and global recruiting help workers from underdeveloped countries be recruited and work for their desired companies. Thereby, they get the best income based on their skills and value.
3. Diversity training for employees: when workers from various walks of life meet in a company, the company embraces diversity training for effective communication among its employees. Globalization helps employees learn how to communicate effectively with their colleagues and to embrace individual differences.
4. Increased workplace standard: the workplace standard for a multinational corporation differs from that of a national company. Job requirements like fluency in at least two languages are among the standards of multinationals, while this is not required in a national company. There are other workplace standards like dress code, work duration, and project criteria that differ greatly.
5. Job loss for workers from developed countries: Despite the benefits of globalization, job loss for workers from developed countries is one of the demerits that can’t be overlooked. Workers in developing countries who do not contribute meaningfully to the organization are fired to be replaced by other workers. Despite these demerits, the government has been able to curb them by specifying employment criteria for firms that recruit workers globally.
Overall, the benefits of globalization in the workplace outweigh its demerits. Moreover, it is said that the COVID-19 really brought the advantage of global recruiting, freelancing and hybrid work. So let’s look at the bright side and embrace cultural diversity through globalization of workers. See you soon!